Monday, September 17, 2007

Having confidence in your game

Recently I played a few rounds with some new players
I had met while travelling.
During these three rounds I found a common theme and
it jumped out at me like a snake in the grass.
This has inspired my thoughts on how your confidence
can effect your game and certainly your score.
I encountered three different golfers who were
undermining their own games and probably
didn't even know it.
You may recognize them in your playing partners.
Here is what they said -- out loud.
"I can't putt, probably won't make this"
-- This one was from 3 feet out.
"I hate sand shots"
"I can't hit over water. Got a bag full of old balls
so when I get to water holes, I pull 'em out"
Oh, and I should mention they said these things repeatedly.
I used to be the "I hate sand shots" guy till I
learned how to hit from sand and NOW when I am in sand,
I still think up and down in two.
Because, your brain and your body respond positively
to the messages you send it.
You control those thoughts when you see your
ball 'at the beach'.
So what is the thing you have low confidence in
when you approach it?
Is it any of these?
- hitting over water
- hitting a 3 wood on the fairway
- hitting into wind
- 2 foot putts
- dog leg left (when you slice)
- green-side or fairway bunkers
- "insert fear of your choice here"
- teeing off on the first tee and an audience
- 18th hole of match play and being up/down by one
What thoughts go though your head and what do you say out loud?
Since this is a GAME its time to play a GAME with your mind.
You see wind, you smile.
You imagine you love to hit into wind AND you say out loud,
"I love to hit these shots"
You picture the one time you did it right.
Then you go into your pre-shot routine (you do have one right?)
and step up to the ball and do not hesitate.
If, by some outside chance an old thought patter creeps
back into your mind, step away from the ball and start again.
You will truly smile when this works for you.
I hope you master ALL of the thoughts that decrease
your confidence or hold you back.

Hit em straight

David Nevogt writes golf instruction material that helps golfers of all levels reach their full potential and lower their scores. David is the author of "The Simple Golf Swing" which guarantees to have you shooting 7 strokes lower in only 1 week from today.

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